Setting Up Nonzero

It can be quite confusing at first to get the modules set up for Nonzero. That is why we have provided this very simple guide on how to configure Nonzero for your guild to ensure you get the most out of our bot.

For additional support please join our Discord server by clicking here or running the command ;server.

Nonzero Modules

The following modules are available on Nonzero for configuration. To jump to the instructions on how to set up that specific module simply click on the module name below.

📋 Moderation

ðŸ—ģïļ Suggestions

💎 Guild Logging

❓ Modify Pre-Existing Settings

Configuring the Moderation Module


The Setup Command

To begin the set up process you will need to execute the command ;setup.

This will bring up a menu that looks like the one below:

Moderation Image 1

You will need to click the Moderation button to begin the set up process.


Moderation Settings

Now that you have selected the module you wish to edit, the embed will now edit itself to show all for settings for that particular module. In our case it edits to display all the Moderation settings.

Moderation Image 2

The next message that is sent will begin walking you through the set up process beginning with whether or not you want the Message Word Filter enabled.

You will have 30 seconds to reply to each of the following prompts. Failure to answer will result in the set up being ended. Typing cancel will also terminate the set up.


Message Word Filter

Now it is time to set up the first moderation setting, this is the Message Word Filter settings. All you need to do is click the corresponding button to enable or disable this setting.

Moderation Image 3

Once you have clicked whether or not you want the message filter enabled, the original embed will edit to show your updated setting.

The next setting is the Moderation Log Channel.


Moderation Log Channel

This next setting is one of the most critical settings for the Moderation module. The Moderation Log Channel is the channel where all the notifications and records are sent when members are punished on your server.

For this setting you are given the option to either type the channel name, type the channel ID (accessible from Discord developer mode), or mention the channel (#mod-logs).

Moderation Image 4

Once you have specified a valid channel that has all of the above required permissions the settings embed will be updated and we will move onto setting up the next setting.

The next setting is to set up Moderator Roles for your server.


Moderator Roles

It is now time to make one of the hardest decisions of your life, that is to decide who gets power and who does not. The Moderator Role grants members a majority of the Moderator commands, which include but are not limited to ;warn, ;mute, ;kick, ;lockdown, ;unmute, and ;unban.

For this setting you are given the option to either type the role name, type the role ID (accessible from Discord developer mode), or mention the role (@Moderators). Should you want to give permissions to multiple roles you simply just separate each role with a comma (,).

Please note that all roles with the MANAGE_MESSAGES permission automatically gain Moderator permissions.

Unlike the previous settings you also have the option to give Moderator permissions to no roles. To do this simply type none or next, and Nonzero will move onto the next setting.

Moderation Image 5

Once you have set up your roles the embed will update and Nonzero will prompt you with the next setting.

Up next is to set the Administrator Roles for your server.


Administrator Roles

With great power comes great responsibility. The Administrator Role grants members all of Moderator commands which can be found on the Nonzero commands page.

Similar to the Moderation Role, for this setting you are given the option to either type the role name, type the role ID (accessible from Discord developer mode), or mention the role (@Admin). Should you want to give permissions to multiple roles you simply just separate each role with a comma (,).

You also have the option to give Administrator permissions to no roles. To do this simply type none or next, and Nonzero will move onto the next setting.

Please note that all members with the MANAGE_GUILD permission will automatically be given Administrator permissions.

Moderation Image 6

Once you have set up your roles the embed will update and it will be time to set up the final setting.

The final Moderation setting is to tell Nonzero which role is the Muted User role on your server.


Muted User Role

The Muted Role is that role that is assigned when the ;mute command is used. Should you have previously configured this role correctly, when the role is assigned, the member will no longer be able to send messages in any of the channels in your server.

Just like the previous role set ups, for this setting you are given the option to either type the role name, type the role ID (accessible from Discord developer mode), or mention the role (@Muted). Please note that you can only have one Muted Role.

You also have the option to set no Muted Role. To do this simply type none or next, and Nonzero will conclude the set up.

Moderation Image 7

Once you have set up your roles the embed will update and the Moderation module set up will be completed.


Set Up Complete!

Congratulations, the Moderation module for your server has been set up and is now enabled. You can edit an individual setting at a later stage with the command ;settings moderation.

Information on how to use the ;settings command can be found by clicking here.

Displayed below is what your final settings embed will look like:

Moderation Image 8

Should you have any issues configuring your Moderation module or require additional support please join our Discord server by clicking here or by running the command ;server.

Configuring the Suggestions Module


The Setup Command

To begin the set up process you will need to execute the command ;setup.

This will bring up a menu that looks like the one below:

Suggestions Image 1

You will need to click the Suggestions button to begin the set up process.


Suggestion Settings

Now that you have selected the module you wish to edit, the embed will now edit itself to show all for settings for that particular module. In our case it edits to display all the Suggestion settings.

Suggestions Image 2

We will now begin by stating whether or not to enable the Deletion of Suggestion Channel Messages.

You will have 30 seconds to reply to each of the following prompts. Failure to answer will result in the set up being ended. Typing cancel will also terminate the set up.


Deletion of Suggestion Channel Messages

The first setting is to determine whether or not to enable the Deletion of Suggestion Channel Messages. If enabled, all non-suggestion messages will be deleted from the channel. All you need to do is click the corresponding button to enable or disable this setting.

Suggestions Image 3

Once you have clicked whether or not you want messages to be deleted, the original embed will edit to show your updated setting.

Next we must configure the official Suggestion Channel.


Suggestions Channel

A critical part of this module is to state which channel will be the Suggestions Channel. This is the channel where all new suggestions are submitted to. Server members also have the option to vote on suggestions via the reactions that are placed on the messages in this channel.

For this setting you are given the option to either type the channel name, type the channel ID (accessible from Discord developer mode), or mention the channel (#suggestions).

Suggestions Image 4

Once you have specified a valid channel that has all of the above required permissions the settings embed will be updated and we will move onto setting up the next setting.

Up next is to specify the Allowed Suggestions Channel(s).


Allowed Suggestions Channel(s)

This next setting determines which channels can be to submit suggestions with the ;suggest command. Any channel that is not the listed in the Allowed Suggestions Channel list will reject with a message that redirects the suggestor to one of the allowed channels. This prevents the spam of users doing suggestion commands in your main channels.

For this setting you are given the option to either type the channel name, type the channel ID (accessible from Discord developer mode), or mention the channel (#bot-cmds). Should you want to enable the command in multiple channels you simply just separate each channel with a comma (,).

Suggestions Image 5

Once you have specified a valid channel (or list of channels), the settings embed will be updated and the Suggestions module set up will almost be finished.

Finally is to specify the Suggestion Voting Emojis.


Suggestion Voting Emojis

This final setting allows you to customise the Suggestion Voting Emojis. You can specify any custom emoji as long as Nonzero has access to it.

Please note that each emoji must be sent separately, beginning with your agree emoji, and followed by the disagree emoji. This is to be done in two separate messages.

Suggestions Image 6

Once you have specified a valid set of emojis the settings embed will be updated and the set up Suggestions module will be complete.


Set Up Complete!

Congratulations, the Suggestions module for your server has been set up and is now enabled. You can edit an individual setting at a later stage with the command ;settings suggestions.

Information on how to use the ;settings command can be found by clicking here.

Displayed below is what your final settings embed will look like:

Suggestions Image 7

Should you have any issues configuring your Suggestions module or require additional support please join our Discord server by clicking here or by running the command ;server.

Configuring the Guild Logging Module


The Setup Command

To begin the set up process you will need to execute the command ;setup.

This will bring up a menu that looks like the one below:

Logging Image 1

You will need to click the Guild Logging button to begin the set up process.


Guild Logging Settings

Now that you have selected the module you wish to edit, the embed will now edit itself to show all for settings for that particular module. In our case it edits to display all the Guild Logging settings.

Logging Image 2

The next message that is sent will begin walking you through the set up process beginning with setting up your server's Logging Channel.

You will have 30 seconds to reply to each of the following prompts. Failure to answer will result in the set up being ended. Typing cancel will also terminate the set up.


Logging Channel

To begin using the Guild Logging module we must first set up the Logging Channel. This is the channel where all the notifications and updates are sent dependent on what logs you decide to enable later on in the setup.

For this setting you are given the option to either type the channel name, type the channel ID (accessible from Discord developer mode), or mention the channel (#spammy-logs).

Logging Image 3

Once you have specified a valid channel that has all of the above required permissions the settings embed will be updated and we will move onto setting up the next setting.

The next setting is to actually set up which Guild Logs you would like enabled for your server.


Enabled Logs

This next setting is the pinnacle of the the Guild Logging module as it allows you to determine which Guild Logs are enabled on your server.

For this setting you are given the option of two Guild Logs via a dropdown menu, simply click on each option to enable ti. At the end of 15 seconds the options will be saved, and those modules that you selected to will be enabled.

Logging Image 4

Once you have selected your enabled Guild Logs logs and the timer has passed, Nonzero will move onto the next setting.

Up next is to set up the Ignored Channels for your server.


Ignored Channels

The Ignored Channels are channels where Nonzero will ignore any log events that occur in them, such as message edits or deletes. This is quite useful for if you have spammy command channels or staff channels that you don't want to fill the logs with.

For this setting you are given the option to either type the channel name, type the channel ID (accessible from Discord developer mode), or mention the channel (#top-secret-chat). Should you want to ignore multiple channels you simply just separate each channel with a comma (,). If you would rather ignore an entire category of channels that is possible with the next setting.

You also have the option to ignore no channels. To do this simply type none or next, and Nonzero will move onto the next setting.

Please note that Nonzero will automatically ignore channels that it does not have access to read messages in.

Logging Image 5

Once you have specified a valid channel that has all of the above required permissions the settings embed will be updated and we will move onto setting up the final setting.

The final Guild Logging setting is to configure the Ignored Categories on your server


Ignored Categories

If it wasn't enough just to ignore a few channels, Nonzero also provides you with the option to set Ignored Categories. The Ignored Categories work the same way as the Ignored Channels except that it is simply easier to configure a mass amount of channels at once.

Just like the previous channel set up, for this setting you are given the option to either type the channel name, or type the channel ID (accessible from Discord developer mode). You also have the option to ignore no categories. To do this simply type none or next, and Nonzero will conclude the setup.

Please note that Nonzero will automatically ignore categories that it does not have access to read messages in.

Logging Image 6

Once you have specified a valid channel that has all of the above required permissions the settings embed will be updated and the Guild Logging module set up will be completed.


Set Up Complete!

Congratulations, the Guild Logging module for your server has been set up and is now enabled. You can edit an individual setting at a later stage with the command ;settings moderation.

Information on how to use the ;settings command can be found by clicking here.

Displayed below is what your final settings embed will look like:

Logging Image 7

Should you have any issues configuring your Guild Logging module or require additional support please join our Discord server by clicking here or by running the command ;server.

Modify Pre-Existing Settings


The Settings Command

In the case that you wish to change any of the previously configured settings, you can use the ;settings command.

This will bring up a menu that looks like the one below that has a list of all the settings:

Logging Image 1

For additional support please join our Discord server by clicking here or by running the command ;server.